

Dragi srednjoškolci,

imamo veliku čast i zadovoljstvo da vas pozovemo na manifestaciju pod nazivom ” UniStem Day (Dan matične ćelije)”, koja će biti održana u PETAK 10. marta 2023. godine u Beogradu. 

Ovo je najveća međunarodna manifestacija posvećena popularizaciji matičnih ćelija koja se već deset godina održava u brojnim univerzitetskim centrima širom Evrope. Pokretač i koordinator manifestacije je UniStem centar za istraživanje matičnih ćelija Univerziteta u Milanu. Imajući u vidu značaj matičnih ćelija, pre svega u sferi regenerativne medicine, biologija matične ćelije je trenutno jedna od najaktuelnijih i najdinamičnijih oblasti istraživanja u svetu, koja sve više dobija na značaju i kod nas. Događaj ima za cilj da na zabavan i pristupačan način približi svet matičnih ćelija domaćoj javnosti i pruži priliku za upoznavanje sa revolucionarnim otkrićima koja pomeraju granice savremene medicine.

Drago nam je što, posle duže pauze, imamo priliku da po četvri put organizujemo manifestestaciju kod nas. 

UniStem Day se održava pod okriljem Univerziteta u Beogradu u organizaciji Instituta za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo uz pomoć i podršku STREAMLINE projekta i BioSave fondacije

Manifestacija je namenjena prvenstveno srednjoškolcima, učešće je besplatno i uključuje prepodnevne i poslepodnevne aktivnosti.    Detaljan program manifestacije možete naći na linku:

Prepodnvni program u trajanju od 09:00 do 13:00 biće održan u Svečanoj sali Rektorata Univerziteta u Beogradu, Studentski trg 1, Beograd 

Poslepodnevni program u trajanju od 14:30 do 17:00 obuhvatiće posete laboratorijama na Institutu za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo, Univerziteta u Beogradu, Vojvode Stepe 444a, Beograd.

Postajete učesnik UniStem dana popunjavanjem on line prijave:

Maksimalan broj učesnika u prepodnevnom delu programa je 200, a u poslepodnevnom programu maksimalan broj učesnika je 40. Nedovoljan prostorni kapacitet je razlog zbog kojeg nećemo biti u mogućnosti da sve zaiteresovane učesnike uključimo u poslepodnevne aktivnosti. Dan uoči održavanja manifestacije biće održana lutrija koja će nam pomoći da od svih prijavljenih đaka, koji bi želeli da učestvuju u poslepodnevnom programu, izvučemo 40 učesnika. Imena učesnika u poslepodnevnim aktivnostima biće objavljena na https://streamlineproject.rs/ u četvrtak 09.03. 2023. godine. Za sve učesnike u poslepodnevnim aktivnostima biće organizovan prevoz od Studentskog trga do Instituta za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo.

Rok za prijavljivanje na učešće u UniStem danu je 05. mart 2023. U slučaju da se ranije popuni maksimalni kapacitet učesnika, prijavljivanje će biti zatvoreno ranije.


Za sve dodatne informacije možete nas kontaktirati putem e-mail adrese: streamline.imgge@gmail.com 

ili putem neke od naših društvenih mreža:


Prijavite se, pridružite nam se! Otkrijmo zajedno fascinantan svet matičnih ćelija!


UniStem tim-Beograd,

Institut za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo,

Univerzitet u Beogradu, Vojvode Stepe 444a, Beograd

Broj telefona:

Моb:   +381 65 397 62 12

Теl:     +381 11 397 62 12

iPSCs Spring School finalno za mreze

Streamline iPSCs Spring School “iPSCs as a tool for modelling disease and discovering molecular mechanisms of NDDs”

Towards modelling neurodevelopmental disorders

It is our great pleasure to announce our Spring school: “iPSCs as a tool for modelling disease and discovering molecular mechanisms of NDDs” as part of the STREAMLINE project funded by the European Union. The Spring school will be held at the Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, University of Belgrade (IMGGE), Belgrade, Serbia from April 26th to April 28th 2023 and will be co-organized by IMGGE and Cardiff University, UK.

Why iPSCs Spring School: The Spring School will offer a comprehensive guide to current state-of-the-art research for patient-based iPSC research methods and approaches for research of Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NDDs). By face-to-face lectures, tutorials and hands-on training, the Spring School will guide you from the generation of iPSCs from patient samples, via in vitro neurodifferentiation and current approaches for disease modelling. It will provide knowledge and understanding of current approaches and technologies to support future research and international collaboration.

Who should attend this Spring school: PhD students from the Western Balkan region with interest in iPSCs based methodologies

Costs: travel (train/bus tickets), accommodation and subsistence costs will be covered by the STREAMLINE project

Language: English

How to apply: Please applyuntil 14th February at 3 p.m. 21st February at 3 p.m. via the Google form at the link below:

Application is now open


Selection procedure: To enable comfortable interactions between the instructors and attendees, the numbers of participants will be limited to a maximum of 20 attendees. The selection will be based on qualification, current work, and motivation letter regarding the ongoing or future research with iPSCs.

Decisions on acceptance will be announced by email on February 28th.

If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us on streamline.imgge@gmail.com 

Looking forward to seeing you in Belgrade.


data integrity cover


Due to the rapid advance of high-throughput biotechnologies, a large amount of biological data is produced, including data about genome, transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, etc. The availability of big data leads towards better understanding of the molecular mechanisms, which can be further applied to translational or personalized medicine. However, to reach that goal, researchers have to overcome numerous challenges from data collection, to their storage, analyses, and interpretation.   

What is data integrity? Why is data integrity important? What will the data be used for?

The IMGGE team had the opportunity to hear answers to these and many more questions on a virtual training “Importance and best practice for Data Integrity” organized by STREAMLINE partners from Cardiff University, United Kingdom. We thank Prof. Adrian Harwood and Dr. Janet Harwood for their excellent presentations and outstanding lectures.

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IMPROVING SOFT/PROFESSIONAL SKILLS OF ESRs training, the 24th of January 2023

STREAMLINE partners from Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), Greece organized for IMGGE researchers one more important training focused on improving soft/professional skills. Training was, first of all, dedicated to early stage researchers (ESRs). Many important topics were covered including:  how to write good quality research papers, to present research at conferences, ethics in science communication, media skills and CV preparation.  We would like to thank Dr. Spyros Petrakis and Mr. Dimitrios Kaboukos for organizing the event and sharing many useful and practical information with IMGGE team.

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22q11.2 deletion syndrome-from a parent’s point of view

STREAMLINE symposium “Microdeletion 22q11.2 – together towards better understanding and treatment” that was held at University Children’s Hospital, Tirsova 10, Belgrade on December 9, 2022. The Symposium gathered patients with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome, their families, patients’ associations and experts from different fields (clinical geneticists, molecular biologists, cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, psychiatrists, logopedists). Many important topics including the latest achievements in the field of studying the 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome and neurodevelopmental disorders as well as different challenges like the acceptance of a diagnosis, were covered. Ana Knežević (President of inclusive center “Here’s a hand” (Evo ruka)) and also the mother of child with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome shared her experiences in a form of an interview that you can find on following link:

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MANAGING A RESEARCH PROJECT Training, the 30th of December 2022

A training titled: “Managing a research project” has been held today by STREAMLINE partners from Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), Greece. IMGGE researchers got guidelines and important practical advices regarding to the management of EU-funded research projects. The training covered many important topics including monitoring of project progress, risk management, documentation and reporting etc. We use the opportunity to thank Dr. Spyros Petrakis and Ms Athina Karachaliou for organizing the event and sharing their experience with IMGGE team.

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ELSI STREAMLINE Training, December 20 – 21st, 2022

A two-day training session was held last week. A team of experts from the University of Maastricht (UM) held a series of practical lectures. The training was dedicated to data protection and data sharing in biomedical research. To apply the gained knowledge, the IMGGE researchers had to solve  some practical tasks that include answering the given questions and presenting a case study to the experts from UM. Under experts’ supervision and guidance , IMGGE researchers improved their knowledge in this very important area. Our sincere gratitude to Dorothee Horstkötter, Helena Bossini Castillo, and Birgit Wouters for the wonderful training and great experience.

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STREAMLINE Training: “Proposal preparation for EU calls”

Under the umbrella of the STREAMLINE project, our partners from CERTH Dr. Spyros Petrakis and Mr. Dimitris Kaboukos opened a series of lectures on the following topic: Proposal preparation for EU calls. We have the opportunity to meet the requirements of EU funding programs, learn about the planning of research projects and call documents. Moreover, we have been given the guidelines to make it simpler for us to understand the application paperwork. At the very end, we shared experiences that researchers face during Budget preparation.

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Symposium “Microdeletion 22q11.2 – together towards better understanding and treatment”

We would like to announce the symposium “Microdeletion 22q11.2 – together towards better understanding and treatment” that will be held at University Children’s Hospital, Tirsova 10, Belgrade on December 9, 2022. The Symposium will bring together patients with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome, their families and experts from different fields (clinical geneticists, molecular biologists, cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, psychiatrists, logopedists). It will cover topics about the latest achievements in the field of studying the 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome and neurodevelopmental disorders. Patient organizations will take part in the Symposium and they will share their experiences with the symposium participants.


The international day of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome

22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) is a disorder caused by a heterozygous microdeletion of region q11.2 of chromosome 22. It is the most common microdeletion syndrome in humans with an estimated incidence of approximately 1/4000 per live births. The spectrum of clinical manifestations in patients with this syndrome is very variable, even within the same family. Approximately, 25% of patients with 22q11.2DS develop schizophrenia. Intellectual disability is detected in approximately 45% of patients with 22q11.2DS, while ASD is seen in 14-50% of cases. STREAMLINE research project aims to study molecular mechanisms underlying intrafamilial phenotypic variability in patients with 22q11.2DS.

November 22nd, is the international day of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. STREAMLINE team marked this day by wearing red.