The first STREAMLINE school dedicated to the latest research methodologies and approaches for studding neurodevelopmental disorders was held from 26th to 28th of April. This Spring School was organized by IMGGE and Cardiff University and gathered 21 PhD students from Serbia and Bosnia. During this three-days event the young researchers had an opportunity to learn, throughout lectures and hands on trainings, about cell reprograming strategies, iPSCs maintenance and characterization as well as about current methodologies for their neural differentiation towards functional neurons and glial cells. The attendees got guidelines, from the experts in the field, how to design and deliver patient-based iPSC studies and they became familiar with the latest advances regarding drug development and crucial steps from disease modelling to translational research. The Spring School offered an excellent environment for fruitful discussions and new connections. The participants also got a chance, through group practice, to design their own patient-based iPSC study by implementing the knowledge they gained. We hope that this experience will be beneficial for their career and for further scientific discoveries.