Twinning STREAMLINE project
STREAMLINE project IMGEE research for advancement
Twinning STREAMLINE project
Twinning STREAMLINE project
Twinning STREAMLINE project
Twinning STREAMLINE project
Twinning STREAMLINE project
Strengthening regional stem cells based research for advancement of multi modal innovative strategy for modelling neurodevelopmental disorders (STREAMLINE)
Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) are a group of complex and heterogeneous disorders that give rise to the psychiatric conditions such as autism spectrum disorders, intellectual disability, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. These disorders are caused by alterations in early brain development affecting cognitive, social and motor abilities of patients. STREAMLINE aims to develop Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering (IMGGE) as a high capacity hub for research of NDDs in the Western Balkans by twinning IMGGE with three top-class research institutions in Europe: Cardiff University, University of Maastricht and Centre for Research and Technology.
The project objectives are: a) to enhance the current and scale up the overall strategic networking activities between the IMGGE and internationally-leading European partners and regional partners; b) to raise the research profile of research staff and scientific attractiveness of IMGGE in the field of NDDs; c)to strengthen research management capacities and administrative skills of the IMGGE staff and d) to become a regional leader in innovations tackling NDDs.

Supported by
This Project has received funding from European Union, under Horizon Europe programme Widening Participation and Spreading Excellence, Grant Agreement number 101060201