In October, Dr. Andrijana Lazić presented the STREAMLINE project to students through an interesting lecture “Induced pluripotent stem cells as a model system for the study of neurodevelopmental diseases”.
Choosing the right professional path is one of the biggest challenges that students have in career counseling. Therefore, on October 17, as part of the “Find out first-hand” program, the Center for Career Development and Student Counseling of the University of Belgrade and the Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering (IMGGE), University of Belgrade, organized a visit for final-year students from different faculties of natural sciences of the University of Belgrade. The students had the opportunity to become more familiar with IMGGE projects and career planning possibilities. Dr. Andrijana Lazić described to students challenging and thrilling work with human induced pluripotent stem cells technology, an exciting new era in the field of stem cell biology and regenerative medicine, as well as disease modeling and drug discovery.
A week later, on October 26, master’s and doctoral students of the Faculty of Science, University of Niš, from the Department of Biology and Ecology visited IMGGE. That was great opportunity for students from Niš to visit IMGGE laboratories and facilities, as well as to familiarize themselves with the STREAMLINE project and hear all about the possibilities of induced pluripotent stem cells in modern medicine.