Overview of the staff exchanges at Cardiff University and CERTH

Welcome back Aleksandra Medić and Jelena Pejić! After three months, members of the STREAMLINE team returned to Belgrade from their staff exchange at the Cardiff University, United Kingdom, and CERTH, Greece. After completion of staff exchange in CERTH, Thessaloniki, Greece, Jelena acquired knowledge in assessing metabolic changes and testing drug responsiveness of neurons and astrocytes generated from patient iPSCs. She gained expertise in high-throughput cell-based assay for in vitro drug testing. Second staff exchange in Cardiff University, United Kingdom was dedicated to mastering generation of brain organoids from patient iPSCs. During her stay, Aleksandra gain valuable insights into the creation of organoids and learned how to analyze samples from 60 days old organoids. Their future goal is to improve research profile of IMGGE in the realm of neurodevelopmental disorders.


Realizacija XVI edicije manifestacije UniStem Day

Šesnaesta edicija UniStem dana (Dana matične ćelije) održana je 22. marta 2024. Ovo je najveća međunarodna manifestacija posvećena popularizaciji matičnih ćelija, namenjena prvenstveno srednjoškolcima.
U realizaciji ovogodišnje manifestacije učestvovalo je 13 država sa dva kontinenta (Evropa I Australija), 97 univerzitetskih centara i preko 30 000 đaka širom sveta.
I ove godine UniStem Day u Beogradu održan je pod okriljem Univerziteta u Beogradu, u organizaciji Instituta za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo, uz pomoć i podršku STREAMLINE projekta i Bio Save Fondacije. U manifestaciji je učestvovalo oko 90 učenika iz ukupno 12 srednjih škola.
Manifestaciju je zvanično otvorio prof. dr Ratko Ristić, prorektor za međunarodnu saradnju, Univerziteta u Beogradu. Tokom prepodnevnog dela programa, održanog u Svečanoj Sali Rektorata, Univerziteta u Beogradu, đaci su imali priliku da se, kroz naučnopopularna predavanja i kratkometražne dokumentarne filmove, upoznavaju sa značajem matičnih ćelia i revolucionarnim otkrićima koja pomeraju granice savremene medicine. Ovom prilikom, dr Mina Perić, predstavila je STREAMLINE projekat kroz predavanje o organoidima mozga kao model sistemu za proučavanje neurorazvojnih poremećaja. Srednjoškolci su sa velikom pažnjom pratili predavanja i vrlo aktivno učestvovali u diskusiji. 
Deo đaka je imao priliku da učestvuje i u poslepodnevnom delu programa organizovanom u prostorijama Instituta za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo i na Institutu za medicinska istraživanja. U okviru ovih aktivnosti, đaci su imali priliku i da se upoznaju sa Centrom za sekvenciranje genoma i bioinformatiku, takođe, srednjoškolcima je demonstriran rad sa ćelijskim kulturama i zebra ribicama kao model sistemima za istraživanja.
Zahvaljujemo se svim učesnicima i najavljujemo XVII ediciju manifestacije UniStem Day za 14. mart 2025. godine!

unistem naslovna


Dragi učesnici UniStem dana 2024,

Hvala što ste se odazvali našem pozivu na učešće!

Potrudićemo se da vam UniStem dan bude nezaboravno, inspirativno i zabavno iskustvo druženja uz nauku!

Spisak učesnika poslepodnevnog programa možete pronaći ovde:

Zvaničan program ovogodišnjeg Dana matične ćelije možete pogledati ovde:

Za sve učesnike u poslepodnevnim aktivnostima biće organizovan prevoz od Studentskog trga do Instituta za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo i i Institutaza medicinska istraživanja. Molimo, ukoliko neko od učesnika nije u mogućnosti da prisustvuje poslepodnevnim aktivnostima, da nas obavesti putem mail-a: ili telefona: Mob: +381 65 397 62 12, Tel: +381 11 397 62 12.

Vidimo se 22. marta u 9:00 h na adresi:

Studentski trg broj 1 u Svečanoj sala Rektorata, BU


UniStem tim-Beograd,
Institut za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo,
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Vojvode Stepe 444a, Beograd
Mob: +381 65 397 62 12
Tel: +381 11 397 62 12

Naslovna za sajt

Brain Awareness Week—March 11-17 “Shake your brain”

Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is the worldwide manifestation that celebrate brain science every March. Originating in 1996, BAW was initiated by the Dana Foundation, a nonprofit organization. BAW aims to increase public interest in the wonders of the brain.

5 Interesting facts about your brain:

  •  Information in the brain may move at a speed of up to 268 mph.
  • Brain activity can power a small light bulb.
  • A sand-sized fragment of brain tissue has one billion synapses and one hundred thousand neurons.
  • The brain can’t feel pain.
  • The idea that people only employ 10% of their brains is untrue.

Our STREAMLINE Team Member dr Mina Perić held a lecture entitled “Brain organoids as a model system for study of neurodevelopmental disorders” at the INSTITUTE OF MOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENETIC ENGINEERING University of Belgrade who hosted BAW manifestation this year. High School students from 4th lyceum of Larissa, Larissa, Greece and from Fifth Belgrade Gymnasium and Eight Belgrade Gymnasium, Belgrade, Serbia. Students had the great opportunity to boost their brains and get introduced to the latest methods in modeling neurodevelopmental disorders. This was also a wonderful time for students to exchange their cultures, foster meaningful connections, and excel academically.

We spend a great day together. We hope that you will participate with us in celebration of Brain Awareness Week next year.

STREAMLINE project activities at Cardiff University

PhD student Aleksandra Medić, a STREAMLINE team member, is currently on staff exchange at the Neuroscience and Mental Health Innovation Institute, University of Cardiff, Cardiff, UK. She is learning how to generate cortical organoids from induced pluripotent stem cells derived from patients with 22q11.2 microdeletion. In the next three months, she will also be trained how to analyze the samples from 60-days-old organoids. This will allow us to better understand the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders caused by 22q11.2 microdeletion.

Cryosectioning of 60 days old organoids on cryostat, device that maintains low temperature of -20°C and cuts frozen samples of organoids in 12µm thin sections. Sections are than mounted on glass slides and are prepared for immunofluorescent staining.



Dragi srednjoškolci,

Imamo veliku čast i zadovoljstvo da vas pozovemo na već tradicionalnu manifestaciju pod nazivom “UniStem Day” (“Dan matične ćelije”), koja će biti održana u PETAK 22. marta 2024. godine u Beogradu. 

Ovo je XVI edicija najveće međunarodne manifestacije posvećene popularizaciji matičnih ćelija koja se održava simultano na brojnim univerzitetskim centrima širom Evrope. Pokretač i koordinator manifestacije je UniStem centar za istraživanje matičnih ćelija Univerziteta u Milanu. Imajući u vidu značaj matičnih ćelija, pre svega u sferi regenerativne medicine, biologija matične ćelije je trenutno jedna od najaktuelnijih i najdinamičnijih oblasti istraživanja u svetu, koja sve više dobija na značaju i kod nas. Događaj ima za cilj da približi svet matičnih ćelija domaćoj javnosti i pruži priliku za upoznavanje sa revolucionarnim otkrićima koja pomeraju granice savremene medicine. Takođe, srednjoškolci dobijaju priliku da steknu nova saznanja o naučnoistraživačkom radu kod nas kroz direknu intereakciju sa istraživačima i posete laboratorijama.

U Beogradu će UniStem Day biti održan po peti put, pod okriljem Univerziteta u Beogradu u organizaciji Instituta za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo (IMGGI) uz pomoć i podršku STREAMLINE projekta i BioSave fondacije

Manifestacija je namenjena prvenstveno starijim srednjoškolcima (učenicima III i IV razreda srednjih škola i gimnazija), učešće je besplatno i uključuje prepodnevne i poslepodnevne aktivnosti. Detaljan program manifestacije možete naći na linku:

Prepodnvni program u trajanju od 09:00 do 13:15  biće održan u Svečanoj sali Rektorata Univerziteta u Beogradu, Studentski trg 1, Beograd 

Poslepodnevni program u trajanju od 14:00 do 17:00 obuhvatiće posete laboratorijama na Institutu za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo, Univerziteta u Beogradu, Vojvode Stepe 444a, Beograd i Institutu za medicinska istraživanja, Institut od nacionalnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju, Univerziteta u Beogradu Dr Subotića 4, Beograd

Postajete učesnik UniStem dana popunjavanjem on line prijave:

-prijavni formular više nije aktivan-

Maksimalan broj učesnika u prepodnevnom delu programa je 200, a u poslepodnevnom programu maksimalan broj učesnika je 50. Nedovoljan prostorni kapacitet je razlog zbog kojeg nećemo biti u mogućnosti da sve zaiteresovane učesnike uključimo u poslepodnevne aktivnosti. Dva dana uoči održavanja manifestacije biće održana lutrija koja će nam pomoći da od svih prijavljenih đaka, koji bi želeli da učestvuju u poslepodnevnom programu, izvučemo 50 učesnika. Imena učesnika u poslepodnevnim aktivnostima biće objavljena na u sredu 20.03. 2024. godine. Za sve učesnike u poslepodnevnim aktivnostima biće organizovan prevoz od Studentskog trga do Instituta za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo i i Institutaza medicinska istraživanja.


Rok za prijavljivanje na učešće u UniStem danu je 15. mart 2024. U slučaju da se ranije popuni maksimalni kapacitet učesnika, prijavljivanje će biti zatvoreno ranije.

Za sve dodatne informacije možete nas kontaktirati putem e-mail adrese:

ili putem neke od naših društvenih mreža:

Prijavite se, pridružite nam se! Otkrijmo zajedno fascinantan svet matičnih ćelija!


UniStem tim-Beograd,

Institut za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo,

Univerzitet u Beogradu, Vojvode Stepe 444a, Beograd

Broj telefona:

Моb:   +381 65 397 62 12

Теl:     +381 11 397 62 12


STREAMLINE Summer School “Identification of key genes and novel drug targets for neurodevelopmental disorders”

With great pleasure we want to announce Summer school “Identification of key genes and novel drug targets for neurodevelopmental disorders” as part of the STREAMLINE project. Summer school will be held on June 5-7, 2024, at the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), Thessaloniki, Greece and will be co-organized by CERTH and Maastricht University.

Why STREAMLINE Summer school?

Summer school will offer a comprehensive guide to current state-of-the-art methodologies for identification of key genes and novel drug targets for neurodevelopmental disorders. By face-to-face lectures, workshops and hands-on training, this Summer school will guide you through the methods of GWAS and imaging genetics, epigenetics and methylation analysis, microRNA analysis, methods and algorithms for in silico screening, pathway modelling, drug-related databases, PRS calculation algorithms and cell-based assays for experimental validation of selected compounds. It will provide knowledge and understanding of current approaches and technologies to support future research and international collaborations.

Who should attend this Summer school? PhD students from the Western Balkan region with interests in computational analysis, drug screening and cell-based assays for drug screening.

Costs: travel (train/bus tickets), accommodation and subsistence costs will be covered by the STREAMLINE project.

Language: English

How to apply? Please apply via the Google form until February 21st, 2024, at 3 PM  at the link below:

Applications are now closed


Selection procedure: To enable comfortable interactions between the instructors and attendees, the number of participants will be limited to a maximum of 20 attendees. The selection will be based on qualifications, current work, and a motivation letter regarding the ongoing or future research in the field of neurodevelopmental disorders.

Decisions on acceptance will be announced by email on March 1st, 2024.

If you have any additional question please do not hesitate to contact us via

We are looking forward to seeing you in Thessaloniki!


Slika 1


Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) are a significant public health burden that cause cognitive and behavioral abnormalities that persist throughout life. NDDs affect approximately 18 million European citizens, nearly 4% of the population This is a challenge that needs to be addressed at multiple levels, including further research toward understanding of the cause, evaluation of treatments and improvement in recognition of mental disorders in patients with NDDs. The lengthy and expensive process of drug screening is hindered by low productivity and difficulties when employing animals, which prevents the development of novel medications. Filling knowledge gaps in drug development for treatment of NDDs requires the use of powerful new technologies. Development of cell-based high throughput screening platforms, which can offer more pertinent in vivo biological information than biochemical assays and thereby reduce the number of animal tests and speed up the drug discovery process, has been a focus of recent efforts to improve drug screening efficacy and minimize animal testing.

Jelena Pejić, a STREAMLINE team member, is currently on the staff exchange at the Centre for Research & Technology (CERTH) in Thessaloniki, Greece. Throughout her 2.5-month stay, she will acquire knowledge and expertise in high-throughput cell-based assays for in vitro drug testing. This will contribute to a better understanding of drug responsiveness and metabolic changes in neurons and astrocytes derived from pateint-specific iPSCs carrying 22q11.2 microdeletion.