22q at the Zoo – Worldwide Awareness Day

On Sunday, May 21st, two of our researchers attended the “22q at the Zoo – Worldwide Awareness Day” in Subotica, at the Palić zoo. The event was organized by non-governmental and non-profit association “22q ex YU”, founded by parents of children with microdeletion 22q11.2 who live in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. The main initiator of the event at worldwide level was the International 22q11.2 Foundation. This worldwide event gathers around families and friends of patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, and also professionals in this area, giving them a chance to socialize and raise public awareness of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Participants are recognizable by red T-shirts.

This year, our two researchers spread awareness at the Subotica zoo by handing out 22q11.2 fact sheets and educating guests and zoo visitors about the syndrome and STREAMLINE goals and activities. Our researchers spent the day with patients and their families, enjoying the nature, watching animals and visiting kids adventure park. They gained insight into the life of patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and their daily struggles, but also became familiar with their way of thinking and their many talents.

On this occasion, participants were introduced to the importance of the STREAMLINE project, the research and application potential of the “iPSC-based” model system. To our delight a lot of the participants already knew a lot about our project, some even attended our two symposiums dedicated to families and friends of patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.

It was a wonderful Sunday, see you again next year!

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