
First STREAMLINE paper is now online

We are pleased to announce that our first paper within STREAMLINE Project is now published online in the journal Children (Basel).

22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS), the most frequent microdeletion syndrome in humans, is related to a high risk of developing neurodevelopmental disorders. About 95% of patients with 22q11.2DS have speech and language impairments. Global articulation, story generation, and verbal memory tests were applied to compare articulatory characteristics of speech sounds, spontaneous language abilities, and immediate verbal memory between four groups of Serbian-speaking children: patients with 22q11.2DS, children with clinical presentation of 22q11.2DS that do not have the microdeletion, children with non-syndromic congenital heart defects, and their peers with typical speech–sound development. The obtained results showed that children with this microdeletion have impaired articulation skills and expressive language abilities. However, we did not observe weaker receptive language skills and immediate verbal memory compared to healthy controls. Children with 22q11.2DS should be considered a risk category for the development of speech–sound pathology and expressive language abilities. Since speech intelligibility is an instrument of cognition and adequate peer socialization, and language impairment in school-aged children with 22q11DS might be an indicator of increased risk for later psychotic symptoms, patients with 22q11.2 microdeletion should be included in a program of early stimulation of speech–language development immediately after diagnosis is established.

Congrataliations to authors dr Marijana Rakonjac, dr Goran Čuturilo, dr Nataša Kovačević Grujičić, Ivana Simeunović, Jovana Kostić, dr Milena Stevanović and dr Danijela Drakulić.


22q at the Zoo – Worldwide Awareness Day

On Sunday, May 19st, is the “22q at the Zoo – Worldwide Awareness Day”. This event will be organized by non-governmental and non-profit association “22q ex YU”, founded by parents of children with microdeletion 22q11.2 who live in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. The main initiator of the event at worldwide level is the International 22q11.2 Foundation. This worldwide event gathers around families and friends of patients with 22q11.2 syndrome, and also professionals in this area, giving them a chance to socialize and raise public awareness of 22q11.2 syndrome. Wear read red T-shirts and join us on Sunday in Subotica, at the Palić Zoo .


STREAMLINE at Belgrade Neuroscience Next Hub 2024

Ivana Simeunović and Jovana Kostić presented their research within the STREAMLINE project at the Belgrade Neuroscience Next Hub 2024 conference held in Belgrade from April 24 to 25, 2024.

The World Association for Alzheimer’s Disease and AAIC Neuroscience Next organized Hybrid Conference on Neuroscience – Belgrade Neuroscience Next 2024, held on April 24 and 25, 2024 at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Belgrade. This conference aim was to provide a platform for researchers, especially young researchers, to engage in discussion, share research results and foster collaboration in the field of neuroscience. This was a great opportunity for our colleagues to increase the visibility of the STREAMLINE Project outputs among academic public and to socialize with other young researchers who are enthusiast for neuro sciences.


STREAMLINE “Industry open day”

Prvi STREAMLINE “Industry open day” biće organizovan 16. maja 2024. u Svečanoj sali Rektorata, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Studentski trg broj 1.

TokomSTREAMLINE projekta ovladali smo procesom reprogramiranja mononuklearih ćelija periferne krvi u indukovane pluripotentne matićne ćelije (iPSCs), procesom neuralne diferencijacije, generisanjem organoida, -omics analizama, što nam omogućava ne samo modelovanje neurorazvojnih poremećaja već i ostalih oboljenja koji imaju genetičku osnovu, kao i testiranje potencijalnih terapeutika u bolest- i bolesnik- specifičnom model sistemu.

Ovom prilikom biće predstavljen Institut za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo Univerzitet u Beogradu kao regionalni centar za proučavanje i modelovanje neurorazvojnih promećaja koji je ekvivaletnog istraživačkog kapaciteta i kodeksa prakse kao i slični centri u Evropi. Takođe, imaćete prilike da čujete  o primerima dobre prakse saradnje industrije i istraživačkih institucija, kao i o istraživanjima koja su dala značajne rezultate u medicini. Na taj način ovim skupom želimo da doprinesemo daljem povezivanju i partnerstvu istraživačkih i medicinskih institucija i farmaceutskog sektora.

Prijava je obavezna registracijom na:


Vidimo se na prvom STREAMLINE “Industry open day”. Radujemo se druženju I razmeni iskustava između nauke i industrije.

STREAMLINE at ExcellMater Conference 2024

ExcellMater conference is the final event organized within the Horizon 2020 project: Twinning to excel materials engineering for medical devices – ExcellMater (GA 952033) targeting breakthroughs in new medical devices, biomaterials scientific advances, translation from fundamental research to clinical application, and commercial opportunities for using innovative biomaterials. It also aims to present that coordinators of Twinning projects present their projects and experiences in project management and administration. This conference also provides plenty of opportunities for networking and exchange of ideas among researchers in different scientific fields as well as interactions with clinicians, SMEs and industry representatives.

Our colleges presented STREAMLINE project at ExcellMater Conference 2024: Innovative Biomaterials for Novel Medical Devices, held in Belgrade, April 10-12, 2024. This was a good opportunity to increase the visibility of the STREAMLINE Project outputs among academic public.

Prijava je obavezna registracijom na:


Vidimo se na prvom STREAMLINE “Industry open day”. Radujemo se druženju I razmeni iskustava između nauke i industrije.


Overview of the staff exchanges at Cardiff University and CERTH

Welcome back Aleksandra Medić and Jelena Pejić! After three months, members of the STREAMLINE team returned to Belgrade from their staff exchange at the Cardiff University, United Kingdom, and CERTH, Greece. After completion of staff exchange in CERTH, Thessaloniki, Greece, Jelena acquired knowledge in assessing metabolic changes and testing drug responsiveness of neurons and astrocytes generated from patient iPSCs. She gained expertise in high-throughput cell-based assay for in vitro drug testing. Second staff exchange in Cardiff University, United Kingdom was dedicated to mastering generation of brain organoids from patient iPSCs. During her stay, Aleksandra gain valuable insights into the creation of organoids and learned how to analyze samples from 60 days old organoids. Their future goal is to improve research profile of IMGGE in the realm of neurodevelopmental disorders.


Realizacija XVI edicije manifestacije UniStem Day

Šesnaesta edicija UniStem dana (Dana matične ćelije) održana je 22. marta 2024. Ovo je najveća međunarodna manifestacija posvećena popularizaciji matičnih ćelija, namenjena prvenstveno srednjoškolcima.
U realizaciji ovogodišnje manifestacije učestvovalo je 13 država sa dva kontinenta (Evropa I Australija), 97 univerzitetskih centara i preko 30 000 đaka širom sveta.
I ove godine UniStem Day u Beogradu održan je pod okriljem Univerziteta u Beogradu, u organizaciji Instituta za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo, uz pomoć i podršku STREAMLINE projekta i Bio Save Fondacije. U manifestaciji je učestvovalo oko 90 učenika iz ukupno 12 srednjih škola.
Manifestaciju je zvanično otvorio prof. dr Ratko Ristić, prorektor za međunarodnu saradnju, Univerziteta u Beogradu. Tokom prepodnevnog dela programa, održanog u Svečanoj Sali Rektorata, Univerziteta u Beogradu, đaci su imali priliku da se, kroz naučnopopularna predavanja i kratkometražne dokumentarne filmove, upoznavaju sa značajem matičnih ćelia i revolucionarnim otkrićima koja pomeraju granice savremene medicine. Ovom prilikom, dr Mina Perić, predstavila je STREAMLINE projekat kroz predavanje o organoidima mozga kao model sistemu za proučavanje neurorazvojnih poremećaja. Srednjoškolci su sa velikom pažnjom pratili predavanja i vrlo aktivno učestvovali u diskusiji. 
Deo đaka je imao priliku da učestvuje i u poslepodnevnom delu programa organizovanom u prostorijama Instituta za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo i na Institutu za medicinska istraživanja. U okviru ovih aktivnosti, đaci su imali priliku i da se upoznaju sa Centrom za sekvenciranje genoma i bioinformatiku, takođe, srednjoškolcima je demonstriran rad sa ćelijskim kulturama i zebra ribicama kao model sistemima za istraživanja.
Zahvaljujemo se svim učesnicima i najavljujemo XVII ediciju manifestacije UniStem Day za 14. mart 2025. godine!

unistem naslovna


Dragi učesnici UniStem dana 2024,

Hvala što ste se odazvali našem pozivu na učešće!

Potrudićemo se da vam UniStem dan bude nezaboravno, inspirativno i zabavno iskustvo druženja uz nauku!

Spisak učesnika poslepodnevnog programa možete pronaći ovde:

Zvaničan program ovogodišnjeg Dana matične ćelije možete pogledati ovde:

Za sve učesnike u poslepodnevnim aktivnostima biće organizovan prevoz od Studentskog trga do Instituta za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo i i Institutaza medicinska istraživanja. Molimo, ukoliko neko od učesnika nije u mogućnosti da prisustvuje poslepodnevnim aktivnostima, da nas obavesti putem mail-a: ili telefona: Mob: +381 65 397 62 12, Tel: +381 11 397 62 12.

Vidimo se 22. marta u 9:00 h na adresi:

Studentski trg broj 1 u Svečanoj sala Rektorata, BU


UniStem tim-Beograd,
Institut za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo,
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Vojvode Stepe 444a, Beograd
Mob: +381 65 397 62 12
Tel: +381 11 397 62 12