Assist. Prof. Goran Čuturilo (pediatrician-geneticist; member of the Commitee for rare diseases of Republic fund of Health Insurance; president of the Republic Expert Commission for Rare Diseases, Ministry of Health, Republic of Serbia);
Assist. Prof. Olivera Miljanovic (Director of Center for Medical Genetics, Montenegro);
Assoc. Prof. Silvana Markovska-Simoska (Head of Laboratory for Neurophysiology, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, North Macedonia);
Nina Maric, Msc (pediatrician-geneticist; Republic Coordinator for Rare Diseases of the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina);
Prof Natasa Jovanovic Ljeskovic (Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Novi Sad; manager with scientific background and in-depth knowledge of (bio)pharmaceutical industry, technology transfer, drug development, pharmaceutical application of molecular genetics, Republic of Serbia);
Dr Davor J. Korcok (specialist of pharmacy; General Manager at Abela Pharm d.o.o., Republic of Serbia);
Olivera Jovović (President of National Organization for Rare Diseases of Serbia (NORBS), Republic of Serbia)
Ana Knežević (President of inclusive center Here’s a hand (Evo ruka) association founded by parents of children with disabilities, Republic of Serbia).